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Help & Donate


There are several ways one can Help us.

Although is common accepted that money makes everything turn around , money is not the only way you can help us. Whenever money is involved a series of questions may arise! (How they use my money? Does the money go to where I want to go?)


On the other hand money can buy things we want in order to achieve our goals.  For example: Turning the field into a shelter, request a lot of building materials and equipment.

One can decide to donate the material to us instead of donating us money to buy these materials or equipment, or one may already have some of the equipment we need and decides to offer us this equipment.


Another way to help us (presuming you have the time), is volunteering with us.  Such an act will not only give us the pleasure of working with you and getting to know you but it will also offer us your work (which we need so much)  and will contribute a little to our finances.

Please check our page “VOLUNTEERING WITH US” in order to apply as a volunteer!


If you can’t become a volunteer with us but still wish to help us, then your only solution is to donate us some money. Any contribution will be highly appreciated and spent 100% just for the purpose of our project.

Donation can either be made on-line using our PAY-PAL account or directly to our Bank account. (please ask for more details).

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